Forward-thinking new year resolutions every business owner should consider

As 2023 draws to a close, you may already be plotting and planning fresh pursuits and resolutions for the new year.

While new year resolutions may be hard to keep, setting real, actionable goals for your business can help to focus your mind and stay on track to achieve the outcomes you’re aiming for. Many suggestions may pop up over the next few weeks, but here’s a selection that you may want to consider adding to your list this year.

Set out a clear direction

The start of the year is a great time to establish clear business goals that align with your brand. Without a clear sense of direction, you’re more likely to veer off course.

Perfect your goals and goal-setting strategy by revisiting your intentions each month and taking a moment to assess the progress you have made. This way you should find it easier to make incremental adjustments as and when they are needed and work with your team to turn your vision into a reality.

Develop a more positive work environment

Creating a more positive work environment for you and your team could help increase efficiency and productivity – because a happy team is a productive team.

So, resolve to remain open to feedback from your employees and actively encourage them to share their thoughts on what could be done better.

Spend some time looking at changes you could make to support your team going forward and how you ways you might offer regular opportunities for people to have a say in how and where the business could change and make improvements.

Ask for help and delegate more frequently

It can be difficult to ask for help. Yet, by resolving to seek help you’re likely to find that you can use your time to work smarter, instead of harder.

From delegating to team members to enlisting external help, there are multiple ways to find help.

For example, if you struggle to stay in touch with your clients as regularly as you’d like, enlist a marketing agency to write fresh content for your blog and produce and send monthly emails full of insightful and relevant information.

Once you start looking around, you’ll find a variety of useful and affordable ways to outsource tasks you don’t have enough time to tackle yourself.

Read more: 6 effective ways you can avoid burnout as a business owner

Be kind to yourself

It’s all well and good setting yourself resolutions for the year ahead but remember that the key to sticking to your goals is to make them SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Don’t expect miracles on day one. Instead, review regularly, adjust your goals and aim for ongoing success throughout the year.

Take a long-term view

Some goals take more than a single calendar year to accomplish.

Don’t shy away from making a resolution that will extend beyond 2023. For example, the idea of preparing your business for sale may seem like a huge and daunting task, but planning ahead and starting early could make a significant difference – to the sales process, and the outcome.

Get in touch

If you’re considering selling or exiting your firm in the coming year, we can guide you through the entire process, from concept of sale right through to completion. Email or call 0113 4656 111.


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