Define who you are outside of work – for your business’s benefit

While what you do for a living is incredibly important, you are more than just a job title. Not only are you worth far more than your work but, like everyone else, you have relationships, talents, and dreams.

It’s easy to define yourself by your work so, when we talk to clients, we often get them to think about exactly who they are outside of their business. To help, we came up with three great questions that have proved really popular with our clients as well as our own staff.

So, why not ask yourself those same three questions to help you define who you are outside of work?

1. Why do people come to me?

One of the most important questions you can ask yourself is “why do people come to me? What makes friends or colleagues think of me when they have a problem, or they need advice?”

It would be well worth asking your friends, family and work associates these exact questions. They know you better than anyone else, so they’re best placed to truly answer the question and give you the answers you need.

Knowing that they come to you for your integrity, experience, intelligence, understanding or kindness will give you a great insight into exactly who you are outside of work as well as inside it.

2. How do I stand out compared to others?

Knowing exactly how you stand out from the rest of the field is another incredibly important aspect of understanding self-worth and how it can help your business.

Again, asking friends and colleagues exactly what makes you different from the rest will help you understand what makes you, you. It will also enable you to see yourself beyond your current job title and understand what possible contributions you could make to the world.

For instance, it could give you a great insight into what kind of roles might you enjoy, whether developing and launching a new product or business would be something you’d excel at, and how you could deliver the most impact in the market.

3. When am I most happy?

Last, but most definitely not least, comes the question of when you are most happy. Fully understanding and acknowledging what brings a smile to your face is vital, not only for running a business but for your own personal self-worth.

Your friends and family are most likely to have seen you when at your happiest so asking them is a great way of finding out the information you need.

Whether it’s when spending time with people close to you, engaging in one of your hobbies or mentoring others outside of work, knowing when you are happiest gives you a substantial understanding of what’s going to work best in your business life, too.

Get in touch

If you’re considering selling your UK business, speak to us before doing anything. We’ll provide advice, guidance and support throughout the entire process. Email or call 0113 4656 111.


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