Goals Based Planning for Technical Specialists
Hold on to your hats because we're about to shake up the world of financial planning.
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On this five hour long, highly interactive online workshop, you’ll learn everything you need to work effectively with financial planners who practice goals based planning.
Goals based planning is the future and with this course, you’ll be the Technical Specialist/Paraplanner that every goals based planner wants to work with!
How we work our Melo magic
Through a combination of online learning and interactive workshops, we help your advisers truly understand Goals-Based Planning. Our full-day workshop covers:
Transaction requests vs goals
Most clients initially come with a transaction request; a desire for you to help them complete a short-term action. We teach advisers to tell the difference between these transactional requests and true long-term goals.Questioning techniques
To get to the real goal, you must ask the right questions. We provide you with techniques to make clients realise their goals and paint a picture of their future. Once they have this, it's easier to discuss long-term strategies.Building and reviewing a goals-based plan
Once you’ve discovered a client’s goals, it's time to build a plan centred around them. When that plan is in place, we show how to use annual reviews to ensure the client is still on track to achieve their goals. If they are, investment performance doesn’t really matter. Imagine that!Technology leads the way
All our courses start with online learning through an easy-to-use app. This gives people a convenient way to understand the theory of Goals-Based Planning anytime, anywhere. The online learning can be revisited as many times as required to cement the core concepts.
We host virtual classrooms year-round for people to learn together with others from different firms. Or, opt for a personalised, in-person workshop tailored to your advisers’ needs and your firm’s requirements.
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Say 'elo
We’ve got our thinking caps on and we’re ready to mingle.