If your advice firm is looking to scale up, recruitment is everything.
You need more bums on seats, more feet on the ground… And more leaders. But your seamlessly forged leadership team is already perfect, right?
Your leaders set the tone for everything that follows.
From clearly defined core values to a bold mission statement and a shared company vision.
Talented new hires will need fresh ideas and enthusiasm, but they’ll need to fit in too. That means understanding and buying into your ethos while complementing those already in post.
This is where The GC Index (aka “The Game-Changing Index”) can help.
Keep reading to find out how.
The GC Index can help you pinpoint where your gaps really are
It’s likely that you’ve already used The GC Index to learn about how your team works.
It can uncover the top proclivities of your key players. They might fall into the category of:
- Strategist, focused on mapping the future
- Game Changer, adept at transforming the future
- Play Maker, orchestrators of a collaborative future
- Implementer, keen to build your company’s future
- Polisher, creating a future to be proud of.
Understanding the proclivities of your leadership team can empower everyone in your business to work in the way that makes most sense for them.
It also helps you pinpoint gaps, highlighting the exact area where your perfect hire would have the most immediate impact.
Craft a job advert directed at the right people
Once you’ve identified the gap you want to fill, you’re all set to craft the perfect job description to attract the right person.
Whether you’re looking for a Strategist, a Play Maker, or a Polisher, you can court the right person by appealing directly to them.
Then, when the CVs start rolling in, narrow down your applicants based on their hidden proclivities.
The GC Index can help you consider what a new leader would actually be like to work with
So, you’ve sent out an expertly crafted job advert, targeted at the gap you’ve identified.
Off the back of your hard work, a raft of CVs drop through your mailbox.
Now you need to interrogate them.
If everything’s gone to plan, your top picks will have the proclivities you need to enhance and complement your leadership team.
But it’s worth recognising that you often don’t really know somebody until you start working with them.
Again, the GC package can help!
It can take commonly used words and phrases, and areas like work experience or a personal profile, and build a picture of who the applicant really is.
Maybe you’re looking to hire a Game Changer… You’ve targeted your recruitment campaign in that direction and your applicant is making all the right noises.
The GC package might uncover that your potential hire is actually an Implementer. Now you need to make some decisions:
- Do you hire to fill a leadership gap you know doesn’t exist?
- Can the applicant be moulded to fit the gap you have?
- Do you need to look elsewhere?
You’ll have to answer these questions yourself but the GC package will make sure the questions you’re asking are the right ones.
Once you’ve hired the perfect leader, you’ll want to make sure you keep them
At Melo, we’re not just here to help you build the strongest possible leadership team. Once you recruit the best talent, you’ll want to retain them too.
We can help with onboarding new staff, working with you and your partners to give each new hire the best experience during that crucial first six months.
So, stay tuned for more on how to retain your top talent next month.
Get in touch
If you’re looking to hire new leaders, we can help. Drop us a line at hello@melo.co.uk or call 0113 4656 111 for a chat.
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